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Thank you for all the support over the last year to get where I am today.

Without you I would certainly be in a much darker place and most probably wouldn’t have made it this far. You are an amazingly wonderful human being and you have directly contributed to the saving of another human life, mine. Please congratulate yourself. You did something amazing in supporting me. Thank You!

- R -

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These are some of the most humbling and rewarding words said to me by a client, they represent the end of his nightmare and the start of his new exciting journey with a smile on his face… they also express my motivation for providing therapy professionally here at Peak Personal Performance. 


Clients come to me for support whilst suffering with a range of conditions including chronic stress, psychological trauma, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, panic attacks, mental and physical exhaustion, burnout and depression, and the inevitable relationship difficulties that these symptoms cause. 


But they also come to gain a greater understanding of themselves, their qualities, their innate internal resources and how develop them and unlock their exciting potential, and to live on their terms, feeling happy and content and fully engaged with their life.


Clin Hyp. D.ThHyp (Dist)

Andy McMenemy

I have studied and been fascinated by human behavioural psychology for over 30 years and I used much of my findings to my advantage, being no stranger to performing at the highest level in both Business and Sport.


I developed a successful 22-year career climbing the corporate ladder to hold senior management and leadership positions in £500 million- and £1.3 billion-pound organisations, I enjoyed success and accolades, and I didn’t enjoy, but have learned from the failures.


My own deeper journey of discovery and personal insight began at the height of my corporate career where chronic stress was taking its toll, my mind and body were sending me signals, but I was ignoring them. Until I collapsed into a convulsive fit. I started paying attention right then!


Years later whist coaching a private business client, he confessed to being overwhelmed by pressure and chronic stress and consequently he was close to ending his life. I felt out of my depth as a business coach, what if I said the wrong thing! I made a decision; I would never find myself unable to provide professional support in that situation again.


I trained and qualified with the London College of Clinical Hypnosis and the Northern College of Therapeutic Hypnosis and earned a Distinction in both Clinical Hypnotherapy and Therapeutic Hypnosis from the Medical Hypnotherapy Examination Board. 


Here at Peak Personal Performance I use Psychotherapy and a blend of other highly effective skills, parts of therapy, counselling, and positive psychology to effectively and quickly decondition trauma in all its forms and support clients in re-gaining control over the parts of their lives that they feel stuck in or have lost control over.

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My  Approach, how I work ...

I conduct my practice in a confident, competent manner, where two people mutually agree to enter a working partnership together. 


One is an expert in their own life experiences, their own emotions, feelings, thoughts, and behaviours, and is struggling and or seeking support. 


The other is expertly trained in understanding behavioural psychology and how the mind and body works in response to emotional distress, and how to provide compassionate, swift, brief and effective resolution-based therapy for powerful results.


My job is to listen closely to what is said and only then to select the most effective treatment or way of working. What is suited to psychological trauma is different to chronic stress, anxiety, panic attacks, burnout, or depression and different again where clients are looking for personal analysis, increased personal effectiveness and skill enhancement.


So, if You or someone you love or care about is suffering from any form of disturbing past trauma or any of the areas I treat with expertise, get it touch for a confidential chat.


Life really is too short to carry unnecessary heavy burdens that can be dropped.


Areas of Expertise

All the following conditions represent a mind and body under pressure, struggling to process, sometimes close to breaking point, and in some cases suicide. 


My working strategy is immediate intervention to alleviate symptoms now, in the present, whilst creating head space for my client and time for us both in which to understand and resolve all potential root causes.

Chronic Stress

Chronic Stress, Exhaustion & Burnout

Exhausted Man



Man suffering from PTS

Post Traumatic Stress &
Emotional Stress

Middle aged lady stressing about finances

Financial Debt


Woman having a panic attack

Anxiety & 

Panic Attacks

Couple sat back to back

Relationship Difficulties


Areas of Expertise
Andy McMenemy This is Me Today

My Life and

My Potential

A stand-alone 4-hour session focusses on the current life situation looking at what is working well and why, and what is not working well and why.


We rarely learn from the successes we have; life teaches us through the consequences of what goes wrong and our perceived failures.


By the end of the session, clients have a much better understanding of who they are and how they currently show up in their world.


They will be equipped with a detailed 20 page “personality and behavioural preference profile” that informs them on how to significantly improve their influence and the lasting impressions they make in the important relationships they have with others, and how to increase their reputation.


They take away a greater appreciation of their life patterns and some clarity and thoughts on the personal changes, having explored their limiting beliefs, motivation, inspiration, powerful internal resources, and how they unlock their exciting potential.


This is me today

The key factor in delivering your peak personal performance in every arena of life is the ability to control the quality and quantity of your “internal dialogue”. 


Success = Your Potential Delivered minus Internal Interference.


Client Testimonials

Thank you for all the support over the last year to get where I am today. Without you I would certainly be in a much darker place and most probably wouldn’t have made it this far.


You are an amazingly wonderful human being and you have directly contributed to the saving of another human life, mine. Please congratulate yourself. You did something amazing in supporting me. Thank You!       


                            ~ R. (Former Yorkshire Regiment & RMP Close Protection – Iraq)


 A personal word from Andy

I believe in making it easy and convenient to get in touch.


If you need support, please just call me, text me or email me.


If you call and I am engaged with clients you will get through to my personal voice mail where you can leave me a message and I promise to call you as soon as I can.


Kind regards,


PHONE NUMBER: 07590 113704


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