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Client Testimonials

Thank you for all the support over the last year to get where I am today. Without you I would certainly be in a much darker place and most probably wouldn’t have made it this far.


You are an amazingly wonderful human being and you have directly contributed to the saving of another human life, mine. Please congratulate yourself. You did something amazing in supporting me. Thank You!                                   

~ R. (Former Yorkshire Regiment & RMP Close Protection – Iraq)



Words fail me, when I try to express my gratitude and debt I owe to Andy for finally helping me to forgive and to let go the misgivings of my past that have driven the last 35 years of my adult life and into the present. My life up until recently can only be described as horrific drama series.


The years of bullying and abuse suffered during childhood manifested itself in my career and business where I allowed it to continue. My business suffered financially, and many decisions were driven by emotions and feelings rather than a balance between feelings and my rational logic. 


In 2016 the net result was, I suffered a mini-nervous breakdown and subsequently diagnosed with chronic fibromyalgia, a mentally and physically crippling condition. The pain was terrible, I couldn’t eat, or sleep and became a somewhat recluse. 

My consultant Rheumatologist prescribed a cocktail of opioid medications that turned me into a person that just existed with no pleasure, nor focus of any kind.


I feared losing the 2 people I loved the most, my son and my husband.


I remember that first call to Andy was the hardest thing I ever did, but the best thing I ever did. I was on my way to self-destruction, mentally, in business and in my physical and emotional health. 

After our first meeting, I could see that Andy just wanted to help me; I could see how passionate he was about his profession. He resonated with me.


Andy showed me how to interpret and understand a how my past was influencing my present and predicted future; he then provided me with the right tools to finally come to terms with and let go of the past. Thanks to his help, I managed to reverse the symptoms of Fibromyalgia in just 9 months, unprecedented! 


I now have fallen back in love with a challenge and have channeled my fiercely competitive energies correctly. I forgave all the perpetrators of abuse in my past life and have learned how to effectively close down all the ‘open apps’ one by one, that were draining my resilience and life energy in my brain though clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and coaching with Andy. 


Talk about feeling light headed with relief! My brain has almost rebooted and restored optimal performance (Aged 50 something) I now process things much quicker, I’m more decisive than ever and have stacks of enthusiasm and energy a bit like a new gadget with loads of free uncluttered memory.


Thank you Andy - you are a fantastic therapist and coach, and you are a great friend. I would highly recommend you to anyone and any entrepreneur out there, it’s never too late to get help and reset yourself.

~ LR – Entrepreneur, Harrogate, Yorkshire


“I was fortunate to meet Andy McMenemy at a time when I was hit with an extremely severe mental illness which led me to financial catastrophe and imminent suicide.


Even though I am a former British Elite Special Forces veteran, I felt that I was beyond recovery. Fortunately, Andy was deployed to assist me. He compassionately and sensitively assessed my levels of trauma and provided immediate professional intervention which stabilized my mental state and gave me headspace and ability to breathe again.


He then identified the root causes of my mental health issues and provided me with world-class mental health treatment in the form of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy to support me in gaining back control over all aspects of my life.

Thanks to his treatment I have recovered and am putting my life back on track and can now deal with issues as and when they arise. Words fail me when it comes to how much I owe this legend.”                                                                    


~ M. (Former Royal Marine & SBS - Global)



“Following my service in the Royal Engineers, I have experienced approximately 15 years of at times serious mental unwellness. After serving in Iraq in 2003, my health quickly deteriorated over around 4 months to the point where I was downgraded to P0 following a serious psychotic episode and an attempt to take my life. I was subsequently discharged from the Army in 2005 as 'unfit for service'.


Following my discharge, I was referred to Professor Lee at Guys Hospital, where I was diagnosed with PTSD.


In the 5 years which followed my discharge, I attempted to end my life on two more occasions. I was seen by various Crisis Teams, Psychiatrists and CPNs, all of whom ended up passing me around for further therapies or drug treatments. 


I spent a long time on cocktails of antipsychotics, anti-depressants, and sleeping tablets, all to no avail. I experienced many self-harm injuries over this time also, including lacerations to my wrist which were so severe I needed emergency surgery to reattach my tendons.


I was a functioning depressive, managing to mask my symptoms which during autumn and winter last year became severe again to the point where I was having suicidal thoughts every day and had even made arrangements to end my life.


I found Andy via a veteran’s online forum, where I posted in desperation. He explained who he was and gave me some background and invited me to do my own research on him which I did. Andy and I then had a couple of telephone conversations and he was sure he would be able to help me to recover. I was incredibly sceptical, and although the conversations I had with Andy were extremely helpful, I could not bring myself to trust him enough to begin any form of treatment, as I had been let down so many times before, and I wasn't sure I believed that Clinical Hypnotherapy could even help me.


I eventually agreed to have a session of treatment with him to get rid of some of my more bothersome memories which were causing me to revisit horrific scenes from my military service in my head over and over again.


I entered this treatment session very unsure that it could even help me, but willing to give anything a go at that point. 


I was astounded to experience something which has been nothing short of miraculous. I immediately felt relieved of a huge amount of trauma and guilt, just from the one session and the conversations I had with Andy, where he has talked me through my experiences and explained the process in which my brain has 'misfiled' traumatic memories allowing me to recollect them as if they were fresh memories over and over again. 


The treatment which he has given me has changed my life so dramatically in such a short space of time that for the first time in 15 years, I can categorically say that I do not feel depressed any longer. I still have some residual issues which require working through, but the main trauma in my head, and its effects in my body has gone.


I am under no illusion that without the treatment I have received from Andy, I may have experienced another attempt of suicide, which may well have succeeded. At the very least I would still be in turmoil, still suffering from severe depressive illness, flashbacks, and nightmares so real that even the smells were intense, and periods of insomnia so crippling that I almost got to the point where I needed to give up work again.


Instead, my confidence and my health have been so boosted by the feeling of energy and wellbeing that I applied for, and achieved, a job as Head of Health and Safety for a large company, a position which I am due to commence in the coming weeks. My relationships with my family are slowly healing, and many people have commented on my enthusiasm for life again, something which has been heartbreakingly missing for many years.

To say I am grateful for Andy's interventions would be an understatement, and I do not hesitate to recommend his Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy services to any of my ex-colleagues and military acquaintances who have experienced long term psychological trauma and depressive illness like I have. 


The treatment I have received is nothing short of miraculous and will always be grateful for having my life returned to me without the need for more drugs or invasive interventions by yet another medical team who do not have the skills or knowledge to understand the complexity of the military trauma I experienced.”


~ K. (Former Royal Engineer - Iraq)


I cannot praise or recommend Andy enough! 


He’s given my lad back the life he deserves and me the son back that I love, and that I knew was hiding underneath the trauma. 

Whilst neither Andy or my son have disclosed the details of the session (quite rightly), the results were immediate; my son began sleeping better and no longer experienced flashbacks and since the session, he is able to process his trauma and triggers in a much more positive way.   

My son has gone from an anxious boy who was scared of his own shadow at times to a young man who now has the confidence to go out with friends, he has started driving, he has found a work placement (and fingers crossed an apprenticeship), and travelled alone to meet friends for a holiday. 


These are all rites of passage of ‘normal kids’ and may not seem a big deal but when you live with someone who is not only traumatised but hits the self-destruct button on a regular basis, you never think normal is going to happen. I couldn’t be prouder of my son or happier that ‘normal’ is happening for him. 


Andy’s follow up care is also second to none and he has helped me to help my son in a more productive way. Right from when I first contacted Andy, he said to me after listening to the case history, ‘you have to be the guardian of your son’s mental health’. 


That one sentence has made such a difference to our relationship and helps me through the difficult days (though they are becoming increasingly less frequent and much more manageable for both of us). 


I understand that change is difficult and that even if we don’t like what’s happening to us, it’s sometimes easier to stay stuck than take the leap of faith . 

I hope those that find their way to this page, will take the leap of faith and contact Andy. He has made such a difference to our lives and I would wholeheartedly recommend his services.

C. (A proud Mum.)

 A personal word from Andy

I believe in making it easy and convenient to get in touch.


If you need support, please just call me, text me or email me.


If you call and I am engaged with clients you will get through to my personal voice mail where you can leave me a message and I promise to call you as soon as I can.


Kind regards,


PHONE NUMBER: 07590 113704


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